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Please treat the information on this page as of purely historical interest.

My BBS computer died in September 2005. At that stage I was getting about two calls a year, so I decided it was not wirth the cost of the extra phone line, so I had the BBS phone line removed, and did not repair the computer.

What follows may be of historical interest, in showing how people communicated electronically, especially in the early 1990s.



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What is OCNet?

OCNet was a network of BBS conferences for Orthodox Christians that was started by Fr George Masters and Frank Crispell in California, USA. It was later linked to the FamilyNet BBS network and distributed around the world using Fido Technology and the Internet.

It has now closed, as BBS technology has failed to keep pace with other communications technology, so most of the information given below is of historical interest only. But if you would like to discuss Orthodox mission, click the link below to join the Orthodox mission discussion forum.

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For more information please contact:


More information is also available on the following Web pages:

Starting your own BBS

If you would like to start your own BBS, you can find more information and resources on the following Web pages:

The Sysop's Corner has a lot of information, useful links and downloadable software for sysops (BBS system operators) and potential sysops.

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Maintained by
Steve Hayes
Started: 1998-08-26
Updated: 2014-08-02