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The Orthodox Mission Pages

These pages are for sharing information about Orthodox Christian mission, and have links to other pages on Orthodox mission and evangelism.

Contents of pages at this site

Home page
This page, which has an introduction to the other pages on the site.

A quick index showing all the pages on the site

St Nicholas of Japan
Information about St Nicholas of Japan, a 19th-century Russian missionary to Japan

Pretoria Orthodox Study Group
A study group for English-speakng (and Afrikaans-speaking) Orthodox Christians that meets in Pretoria.

Religious discussions
Information about interreligious discussion forums

Articles on Orthodoxy and mission
Articles on various topics relating to Orthodox Christianity and Orthodox mission. Several of them were originally published on Suite101.com before they closed the Orthodox section

Society of St Nicholas
The Society of St Nicholas of Japan - an Orthodox mission society that operated from 1987 to 2000, and was based in southern Africa. A brief history of its activities

Orthodox Mission
Information about Orthodox mission

Mamelodi Mission congregation
A small mission congregation meets on Sundays in a school classroom in Mamelodi, a working-class suburb east of Pretoria

Parish of St Nicholas of Japan, Brixton, Johannesburg
An English-speaking multi-ethnic Orthodox parish in Johannesburg, South Africa, which has been active mission in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg and Pretoria.

Orthodox mission links
Links to other sites dealing with Orthodoxy, mission or both

OCNet - The Orthodox Christian Network
OCNet is a network of computer bulletin boards for Orthodox Christians to communicate in various discussion forums. Some of the discussion foruims are also available as e-mail mailing lists.

To see all the pages already here, go to the Index page.


  1. The Orthodox Church - what is the Orthodox Church?
  2. The Orthodox Faith - what is the Orthodox Christian faith?
  3. The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria - information about Orthodox Christianity in Africa and Madagascar
  4. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Johannesburg and Pretoria - the Archdiocese covers the northern party of South Africa, and under the leadership of its Archbishop, His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim, has recently begun an active mission outreach programme.
  5. Other Orthodox links - links to other sites with information about Orthodox Christianity.
  6. Christian Network Links for Africa - links to Websites dealing with Christianity in Africa - both Orthodox and non-Orthodox.
  7. Southern African Missiological Society - (SAMS). SAMS publishes the missiological journal Missionalia and the site also has information about discussion conferences on mission and missiology.
  8. Orthodox Church of Japan - If you were using a search engine to find the Orthodox Church of Japan, and you ended up here, then this will link you to the page you want. But we hope you will also find our site interesting.

More Orthodox links

Unfortunately Suite101.com have "retired" their Orthodox section, so that links will not be updated, no new articles will be posted, and questions and discussions about articles will no longer be possible. Some of the articles have been moved to this site, and we hope to post new articles about Orthodox mission.


This second Orthodox Links page is a bit different from Suite101.com. There, the links are hand picked - here, on the other hand, they are lumped together as they are submitted to a database. So at Suite101.com the emphasis is on quality, while at the Orthodox links page the emphasis is on quantity - but who knows, you might just find what you are looking for.

The sites are listed alphabetically by title, or the name of the sponsoring organisation. The descriptions are written by the site owners or maintainers themselves.

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Use the corkboard for comments, and also for events, news and announcements relating to Orthodox mission (off-topic announcements will be deleted)

Orthodox Mission Corkboard

There are two web forums for Orthodox Christians in Southern Africa:

Orthodox in Southern Africa

Orthodox in Gauteng

Join one (or both, if you live in Gauteng) to make contact with Orthodox Christians in southern Africa. Share news, coming events, questions, problems etc.

| Home page | Index | St Nicholas | Society | Mission | Links |
| Articles on Orthodox mission | Church of St Nicholas, Brixton |

Maintained by
Steve Hayes

PO Box 7648
0001 South Africa

Created: 18 June 2000
Updated: 2 August 2014